Reduce cloud spend now!

LogN-compression technology reduces cloud TCO up to 50%, and possibly more.

Reduce cloud spend now!

LogN-compression technology reduces cloud TCO up to 90%, and possibly more.

How it works

“Other things being equal, simpler explanations are generally better than more complex ones.”
–Occam’s Razor


LogN’s encoder was built for austere low size weight and power environments, but can easily scale to 100’s of thousands of concurrent instances for greater throughput. Whether you’re transmitting from the edge to the cloud or you simply want to apply our technology to your existing data LogN Technology can do it.


Once your data is in the proper format, simply use it in the compressed state. LogNDB works on top of the data resulting from the ingestion process making your files smaller and easier to handle. LogNDB uses a highly portable flat file database structure to ensure your data is in its most efficient size not matter the device.


No really that’s it. We fundamentally believe that sufficiently advanced technology is akin to magic. The process is simple because of the time and effort (over 12,000 hours) put into making a technology that is plug and play for all.

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